Attention: Accountancy Practice Owner

Who else wants more Accounting Clients?

If your an Accountancy-Practice Owner and If you want to Get More Accounting Clients. With Minimal Effort or Time on your end. Then…

Call 0789 197 4199

Imagine: If your Calendar looked like this ?

Where your regularly meeting New High-Paying Prospective Accounting Clients. Who are Ready-To-Pay you between £3,000 to £5,000 Annually. For your Limited Company Accounts & Corporation Tax Return Services.

Instead of looking like this?

Where you don’t have enough Accounting clients and aren’t regularly meeting enough new prospective Accounting clients. Resulting in your calendar to be blank.

So, what’s stopping you from getting more Accounting Clients?

The answer is that nobody within your company has a Proven Process to get you more Accounting clients. Not even the owner or the accountants. As there all busy working in the business, not on the business.

But what If You Could Rely on An Expert to Guide You?

Somebody who has done it before and knows what works and what doesn’t and has helped others like you. Without the trial and error on your end.

You won’t believe it…But this guy actually exists.

Introducing your long-awaited hero, Amar Shafi. Amar (based in Birmingham) is an expert in helping Accountancy Practices to get more Accounting clients.

There’s a catch! I Don’t Work with Just any Accountancy Practice…

I only work with my ideal clients. As I have some criteria that the client needs to fulfill before coming a client. I will let you know what that criteria is in due course.

Ready to Get More Accounting Clients?

If you call me, for a quick 10-minute chat. You’ll discover the SINGLE-BEST WAY to Get More High-Paying Accounting Clients.

Remember: I only take on 3 clients each month.

Will you be one of them?

Call Me On:

0789 197 4199


© Get More Accounting Clients 2024